Friday, April 22, 2022

Magical Spiritual Miracle Sparkle-Land Adventures


Magical Spiritual Sparkle-Land Adventures - Mix 3

Here's the next song in the possession album - all the people, as they walk home, think about how weird and poopy it feels to return to ordinary, plain-old, mundane reality after the magical adventure they just had. I have 2 versions at the bottom. The very bottom-est is the original version, and the one above it is the one where I re-did some of the vocals cuz I sang all outta tune in the first one (dunno why I'm having challenges with singing on pitch these days). The bottom one probably has the best mix, in terms of the rap at the end, though, so I kept in on here.

The lyrics are:

We're back on the path we took to get here
Heading home, the place where we will drink beer
It feels weird to return back to normal
Coming back from what you might sort of call

Magical, spiritual sparkle-land adventures
Magical, spiritual sparkle-land adventures

We got sad – the adventure is over
We'll go back to that place we call home, for
We know that it's where we belong, but we
May come back to this valley for a wee

Magical, spiritual, sparkle-land adventure
Magical, spiritual, sparkle-land adventure

It feels like it has been a year and a half
Since we initially walked here on this path
But in reality, it's just been a day
Since we got here, and it has been quite a stay
This is not college, but we got knowledge
The numinous and luminous fire god and bears and grandma led
Us to magical spiritual sparkle-
Land adventures and as a result, dark and dull
Is what it feels like to get back to life
And through the starlight, we try to not cry
As we walk back to our normal and boring
Lives and this feeling we have feels like mourning

But, if we plan on visiting again
We'll once more get to see all those bear friends

Here's the re-did version:

Here's the original one with out of tune vocals, but a good mix with the rap stuff at the end:

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