Sunday, February 14, 2021

It Survived


It Survived

 This song has a convoluted back story. My freshman year in college, I was in a hall group of people that I had nothing in common with. It was a really lonely time, and I had to go elsewhere to find friends. The people in that group were all into cute stuff and they had all these teddy bears. I'd felt neutral about teddy bears, up until that point - but after being inundated with all this cute-shit and teddy-bear-shit from people I didn't like, I started writing poems about The Bear. I kept on killing off The Bear in different scenarios, but The Bear would always come back to life. For instance, The Bear got run over by an airplane on an airport runway. But the next day, The Bear was back again to get hit by a bus or something. 

These days, bears are all sacred to me, as you can probably tell from my other songs. So, I wrote a song about how I tried to kill bears off, or The Bear, in particular, in my poems in college, but then, I later discovered bears are my friends. I even have some teddy bears now, cuz why the fuck not?

The lyrics are:
The bear got run over airport runway
The bear got run over airport runway

It survived, it survived
It survived, it survived

I tried to kill the bear cuz I'm sinful
But now I am aware he's a symbol

It survived, it survived
It survived, it survived

I thought he had nothing to do with me
But he's my friend; I feel dumb, now that I see

He was in place of things that I don't like
But now I know he brings in the sunlight

It survived, it survived
It survived, it survived

I have a friendship that I will tend
Now that I know that he is my friend
He is a bear who says that he cares
Yes it is there, a friendship that's rare
What I mean by that...
Is that this is the kind of friendship that's rare
This is where it's at
This is a friendship that I have with a bear

I thought he had nothing to do with me
But he's my friend; I feel dumb, now that I see

Here is the alternative player thingy, in case the one up top is incompatible with your portable electronic device:

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