Sunday, October 11, 2020

Another Shadow Song



Yeah, here's another shadow-themed song. I did this one on Sunday. I guess I'm working on 2 projects at once - the possession album and the shadow album, yesiree.

The lyrics are:
My fear, my fear, my fear is living

I don't want to go outside now
I don't want to go outside now

My fear, my fear is living

I'm alone and my mind's dried out
I don't want to go outside now

I am randy and I am handy with the big things that are real good 
I say it is random with the big fandom, and they think my music is wood
Wood that has medicine inside it from a tree that grows from shit
It is from the bark that has a bite in it, and it's true that you might get bit
They say I have an attitude; They say they pray I'll stop being lewd
They say that now I've gotten rude; getting fat on someone else's food
I don't know what they are talking about; it's a thing that makes me go pout
And then I'll want to go scream and shout, it is what I am all about

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