Friday, May 8, 2020

Dornstrife, Von Saskatoon

This is another one of those songs I got from a dream; it's the next song in the Timmy and Bobby series. In this song, they're considering going to a sweat lodge because they want to get advice from spirits about how to help me out with my poopy health problems. See, they've been in communication with these spirits named Dornstrife and Von Saskatoon, and they think maybe going to a sweat lodge will improve their communications with them. Timmy and Bobby are all conflicted because they wonder if Dornstrife and Von Saskatoon can help them out, or if they're trickster figures that might fuck them over if they trust them with their advice.

All the while, the woman running the sweat lodge, well, she seems to be over-promising things. See, it's not a traditional seat lodge, run by native folks; it's a sweat lodge run by a white woman, riffing on native practices. There's lots of controversy surrounding white (or otherwise non-indigenous) folks running sweat lodges. I ain't gonna go into the politics of it or express my opinion about it - I'll leave that for another time. I'll just say, Timmy and Bobby are aware of the controversy surrounding sweat lodges run by non-indigenous folks, and that's makin' them all conflicted about attending, in addition to the fact that they're not sure if they can trust the spirits that show up there.

The lyrics are:
Timmy and Bobby say it’s true
They’ve never bothered me or you
Who are these people in their minds?
They are not evil or unkind

Dornstrife, Von Saskatoon

Operator of the sweating, setting lodge
She sez later we’ll be letting in the gods
But Timmy and Bobby are on guard
But there’s no stopping when it’s Heaven’s bard
Operator listening on a red phone
For the copper pay dirt, glistening when we get stoned
It’s the spirits that are giving us golden rules of truth
Fifty karats worth of good advice sold in baking booths

Timmy and Bobby are the man
Listening to spirits of the land
What is this Heaven that is trees?
Sinking blind seven honey bees

Dornstrife, Von Saskatoon

Operator of the thing that is a phone
Now or later selling things that look like home
Listening to spirits that are on parade
Dunno if it’s real, but she says it’s her trade
Operator of the sweating setting lodge
She sez later she’ll be letting in the gods
But Timmy and Bobby say that they are on guard
It is a start, but is it Heaven’s bard?
Operator listening on a red phone
For the copper pay dirt, glistening when we get stoned
It’s the spirits that are giving us golden rules of truth
Fifty karats worth of good advice sold in baking booths

Dornstrife and Von Saskatoon
Are spirits that say there is room
Inside the sweat lodge, be there soon
They say it’s like a living room

Dornstrife, Von Saskatoon

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