Sunday, July 14, 2019

Let's Stay

I'm posting this song really early because, although it's scheduled to be posted 22 weeks from now, I'm posting it today just in case I die before that date comes. I mean, I'm not planning on dying anytime soon, but you never know when your number is up. This song is too important for me to have it get lost to the world if I step outside and get hit by a bus.

When the date arrives for this song this song to come up in the sequence of songs about a fucked up school (see previous blog entries), I'll post the backwards and forwards version of it together. And I'll provide the explanation of what it's about, with respect to the girl in the fucked up school.

I think this song came to my soul because of the Big Earthquakes that happened here in Southern California. The picture, above, is my graphic novel characters goin' thru what I experienced in that there 7.1 earthquake. That old earthquake reminded me of my own mortality, and because of that, a death song came to me. A death song is a song that you sing when you're dying, to let the spirit world know it's you who's coming. (I think I got that right - my apologies to the indigenous cultures of this continent if I'm not clear on that concept, cuz I borrowed that idear from the ones that have death songs as part of their cultures).

I think I've had multiple death songs come to me throughout my life; as my spirit evolves through this lifetime, different songs come to me that would be fittin' to sing on the day of my death. I think this is the most recent one. It came to me in a dream. I want to thank this song for gracing me with its presence.

What do I mean by "gracing me with its presence?" Well, it's my belief that I've never written a single solitary song in my entire life. You might think that's weird-sounding, given the songs I've posted here, but I have the strong impression that every song that could ever exist already exists. When people write songs, they're not making shit up. They're hearing songs that are comin' to them. Songs that say, "hey, you're a good fit for me; I'd like you to bring me into the world." That's what I believe, anyway.

I have a weird relationship to earthquakes, too. My ancestors were in the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. After this recent temblor (as they say on the news), I felt those ancestors' presences. There they were.

In any event, that's why I'm posting this here ditty 22 weeks early.

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