Thursday, June 20, 2019

Wan Lush Ned If Nock Tih Peak

 Here's another backwards song. When I re-listened it today before making this post, it sounded churchy to me. It's all church-like with that organ there. Since it is a church-music-ish backwards-song, I couldn't resist drawering a picture of Jesus in a church with his friends, bein' all weirded out by all that Jesus-talk.

Then, I realized, whoops, Jesus is Jewish; would he be in a church? Wouldn't he be in a synagogue, instead? Then again, I don't think his buddies are very churchy people, either; so maybe they're there to watch some kid get baptized or something. Y'know, they got invited by some friends who have a kid getting baptized. Yeah, I think that's what it is; those guys are there to see some friends' kid get baptized.

I'm predicting that Jesus and his friends are gonna go have beer afterwards.

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