Thursday, September 20, 2018

Wearing My Reflection

I finished reading a book called Owning Your Own Shadow by Robert Johnson (1991, HarperCollins). It's a book about how there's this Jungian concept called The Shadow, which everyone has. The shadow is comprised of the parts of oneself that one has disowned. Some of it might be evil and/or mean, but there's also a lot of good stuff that people tend to end up disowning about themselves. 

Well, anyway, after reading that book, I decided to let my shadow write some songs and stuff. This is the first of the songs that I let my shadow write. It's written by the part of my shadow that's a naughty cat that pees all over the house.

(It's not necessarily the one in the picture. It's a good picture cuz it's a reflecto-kitty picture, all reflecty, like the song).

Here's last week's song if you turn it around backwards.

And here are the lyrics:

I'm wearing my reflection
How did this happen to me?

It is something similar to me
But it makes me inside out, you see

Maybe I am just a stupid dream
Middle aged and running out of steam

I am gonna pee all over the place and I am a reflection of your face
And I am a reflection of the sun and I am gonna pee all over everyone
Do not try to stop me, nosiree
You cannot stop reflecting the naughty tree
You cannot stop the person who has come as a cat
You think I am stupid but I'm only fat

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