Friday, May 4, 2018

Stop The Wind From Blowing Through (Mogie's Death Song)

In this song, Mogie has just died and when he gets to Heaven, he sees Verdell and Corky. He decides to sing his death song in order to announce his presence. The death song is actually the main theme from the album I did back in 2015 (geez, I need to post the rest of that thing, at some point).

Weird Version of Stop The Wind From Blowing Through
Here's last week's song, when it's turned around backwards.

For anyone new to this blog, the album I'm discussing is based on the movie, Skins. (Spoiler Alert)... It follows this character, Corky Red Tail, into the afterlife cuz he gets murdered in the beginning of the movie. Then he's joined by Mogie and Verdell, who both die of alcoholism in one way or another. The three of them work together to try to get a message to Corky's mom that he's okay in the afterlife. The most likeliest candidate to do that is Rudy, Mogie's brother, because all three of them knew Rudy when they were alive, so they're all connected to him in one way or another.

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