Friday, December 27, 2024

Cuz I'm Sorta Think Of

Cuz i'm sorta thinking of

 This one might be boring. I'm working on an animated movie thingy, and I realized some of the talking formed a melody, so I made a song outta it.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Hell Movie, Part 1

This is the first part of a movie I'm making, called Hell. It's based on some comic books I did back in 2020. I'm not sure how long it'll be.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Somebody Spoke Up in the Sky

Somebody Spoke Up In The Sky

The Mix 2222 one is better.

Somebody Spoke Up In The Sky Mix 2222

Mix 3333 is the even better one.

Somebody spoke up in the sky mix 3333

This is another Christmas Song; it's about that big star that was in the sky that the Wise Men followed and all that, so they could bring presents to Baby Jesus. The dream I got it from was like, hey, that big, bright star was someone's way of sayin', "take a look over here!" It was sky-sign-language of sorts.

The one below is the souped-up one.

Friday, December 20, 2024

All I Want for Christmas Is To Be Alive Next Year


2024 Christmas Song

 I have a bad feeling about 2025. Sometimes my premonitions are right, and sometimes they're wrong. I hope this one is wrong.

I'm Drinking Beer for Christmas

I'm Drinking Beer for Christmas

 This is a song about not feeling very Christmas-y. In cases like this, it's always a good idea to drink beer.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Don't Worry - The Government Guy Says It's Fine!!!

 Are you wondering about all those mystery drones flying over New Jersey, and now other states? Don't worry about it! It's fine!!!!! The Government Guy says it's fine!!!!!!

Friday, December 13, 2024

The Girl Who Said Too Much

The Girl Who Said Too Much

 This is the next song in the Loosey Goosey Lucifer album, Part 2. Loosey Goosey Lucifer, the Goddess of Light, who rides a magic, singing fly, is reflecting on a past life as a human, where she was burned at the stake for speaking out against the bad politicians in whatever land she lived in at the time. She now fears for her friends because Murpt reminds her of the bad politicians from that past life.

The Land of Booze

 This is a song about the Land of Booze.

Friday, December 6, 2024

I Am Just a Citizen From the Land of Flies

I Am Just a Citizen From the Land of Flies

 This is the next song in the Loosey Goosey Lucifer album; it is sung from the point of view of the fly. Sorry this is such a crap mix.

Oh yeah, I pirated the song I did about a week ago about going to the Land of Booze. I realized, in retrospect, that the melody and churchy-ness would make for a good Loosey Goosey Lucifer song.

Depressing banjo music

 I attempted to do the most depressing banjo song in the world.