This is the next song in the possession album. Everyone's all depressed and also puzzled by the fact of being depressed, since they accomplished their goal of having the girl not have an entity inside her.
The lyrics are:
We are standing here; everyone has tears
Coming out of their eyes tonight
Now that our friend has taken flight
We'll go back to how... things used to be now
Somehow it does not feel quite right
For us to have a normal night
We're standing here and we are feeling lost
And it's unclear why....this feeling is oddest
We did not expect to feel this way because
This is what we wanted – she's the way she was
The girl is now normal – that was our goal
She's inhabited by just her own soul
Maybe we are sad because we were part of
Something bigger than we used to be part of
It's a let down not to talk to the fire god
Anymore – I guess we should go smoke some pot
Let's go to Timmy and Bobby's place and
Listen to Willie Nelson cuz he's grand/great
And smoke some pot just like good old Willie
We'll smoke a lot, and we will get silly
Let's smoke some pot just like good old Willie
We'll smoke a lot, and we will get silly
I don't think we know...what to do – oh, no
With our selves when we get back home
Well, maybe we can all get stoned
I went into the rap and changed "grand" to "great" in the line about Willie Nelson - somehow, "grand" didn't sound rhyme-y - I'm not sure why, because, logically, it should have worked.
Here's the original, un-modified recording, just in case your ears favor the original rhyme scheme: