Friday, September 29, 2017

I'd Like the Great White Father in Washington to Look Like He is Crying

 As usual, here's the forwards-version of last week's backwards-song, which is another part of that rock opera/death-album thingy I'm working on.

This song is sung from the point of view of Mogie after he's in the spirit world. He's tryin' to convince his brother, Rudy, to do graffiti on the George Washington statue-thingy at Mt. Rushmore. See, he wants Rudy to make it look like George Washington's crying cuz the picture, above, is a picture Corky drew when he was in the 3rd grade. It's one of Corky's mom's favorite pictures; as such, if she sees the Mt. Rushmore George Washington looking like that picture, she'll know it's a sign from Corky that he's okay in the afterlife.

Okay...bastard-son-of-a-bitch...the song up there, it keeps on crapping out half-way through, and I don't know if it's because of my slow internet connection, or if there's something wrong with the poopy website I use to host these songs. So, here's an embedded player from another site I use...hopefully, this'll work. (If it sounds all bolloxed up, you can go to the podcast, itself, where it might work better).

Here's last week's song if you play it backwards.

For anyone new to this blog, this album's based on the movie, Skins. (Spoiler Alert)... It follows this character, Corky Red Tail, into the afterlife cuz he gets murdered in the beginning of the movie. Then he's joined by Mogie and Verdell, who both die of alcoholism in one way or another. The three of them work together to try to get a message to Corky's mom that he's okay in the afterlife. The most likeliest candidate to do that is Rudy, Mogie's brother, because all three of them knew Rudy when they were alive, so they're all connected to him in one way or another.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Nut N(g)ishaw Nih Earth Off Tyaw Tyearg Uth Kyall Dyah

This is the backwards version of next week's song. The picture of the guys crying has to do with the fact that next week's song has crying-ness in it. I mean, these guys aren't in the actual song cuz it's about another guy.  Sort of. I went ahead and scanned some of the rest of the page that the crying guys are on, cuz I happened to draw them on the piece of paper where I printed up the lyrics of this here song.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Have Lots of Fun

Yeah, I actually got this song from a dream. Corky and Verdell are hanging out in the spirit world, when Mogie suddenly appears. Verdell's all confused because he didn't know Mogie had died. Mogie admits that he died of alcoholism, but that's okay cuz now the three of them are together and they can have lots of fun. In the song, Verdell tells Mogie that he wants them to help Corky get a message to his mom that he's okay.

The sampled guys are Mogie (saying "hey, you rank old bugger") and Verdell laughing. I guess that's how they greet each other in Heaven.

As usual, here's the song from last week if you play it backwards.

For anyone new to this blog, this album's based on the movie, Skins. (Spoiler Alert). It follows this character, Corky Red Tail, into the afterlife (cuz he gets murdered in the beginning of the movie). Then he's joined by Mogie and Verdell, who both die of alcoholism in one way or another. The three of them work together to try to get a message to Corky's mom that he's okay in the afterlife.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Nuff Fuh Stall Vah

Here's the backwards version of next week's song. The picture kinda sorta doesn't necessarily apply directly to this here song, though. See, when I listen to next week's song, I imagine the 3 narrators of it marching in place, as they sing. It's one of those happy, marching-in-place sorts of songs.