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It's a green song. It's dark. It's a dark green song.
'Kay, I wasn't sure when I was gonna post this one, cuz this song's, y'know, near and dear to my heart, and the like. I think I was in somewhat of a shamanic state o' mind when I wrote it.
But, yeah, like, then I found out today there's gonna be this song-writing contest, not too far from where I live, and it's for Earth Day, and you're supposed to submit "green" songs. This is about the greenest song I've written thus far in my life. It's green-ish.
But, I wanted to post it here to run it by people who come here to get their valued opinions about if this is song-contest-worthy, and the like. I think it's worthy, cuz I like it a lot, but I dunno if it's contest-worthy in the popular-kid sort of way, y'know.
The bushes in the picture aren't as big as trees like the ones in the song, but I don't think I have any pictures of bushes that big, man.