Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Grandmothers of Death

Download Grandmothers of death
I started recording this song at about 6pm, and now it's 8:17pm. Cool, man, in about 2 hours you can have a song go from bein' an idear in your head to bein' on the internet for everyone in the whole wide world to hear! (Or, in my case, the 3 people who check this blog. Thanks, guys!)
Anyway, I think I know what this song's about, but it would be stupid to try to put it into words, you know, man. But, I thought it'd be nice to stay with the theme of grandparents and death, cuz that's kind of a nice thing to write songs about.
Okay, yeah, the picture has nothing to do with the song, but the cats behind the screen door are sorta ominous-looking, like the narrators of the song. I know, I'm reachin', but I just wanted a pretty picture so this blog wouldn't look too boring.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Commentary - Grandpa-ish
That was also the last song I wrote/recorded when I was livin' in LA. The theme of the song works pretty well with endings, I guess.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Grandpa Songs
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Yes, More Old Songs
Bleh, I have a couple songs in the cooker, but the writing is coming slow cuz I just moved and moving takes away my creativity, bleh. So, here's a song from 2002. When it turned 2002, I thought, cool, since the year is a palindrome, I'm gonna write a bunch of songs that're palindromes. If you play the song backwards, it sounds the same as when you play it forwards. If you listen to the first track, it's the regular song, and if you listen to the second track, you hear the song forwards in one speaker and backwards in the other. It doesn't match up perfectly, but it's pretty close, yesiree.
Download 13 fart on a pilot backfor
The lyrics are:
Dood stops tug to grab a bar, got guts, pots, dood. (4x)
Did it fart on a pilot to lip a not-raft? I did. (2x)
Oy poop, sit tub, a gnat stang a butt - is poopy o. (2x)
Did it fart on a pilot to lip a not-raft? I did. (2x)
Toot-poop, o not drab to crap on a no-par-cot, bard, ton o' poop toot! (2x)
Did it fart on a pilot to lip a not-raft? I did. (2x)
Oy poop, sit tub, a gnat stang a butt - is poopy o. (2x)
Did it fart on a pilot to lip a not-raft? I did. (2x)
Dood stops tug to grab a bar, got guts, pots, dood. (4x)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
That's right, you can count this as "working" cuz I'm "on-call," as you will. Hopefully I won't be needed, cuz I'm too exhausted. New jobs tend to do that. I had to post something today cuz today is 09-09-09. Weirdly enuff, it's also the deathiversary of someone in my life, but the song I wanted to post (about him) ain't on this computer yet. ARgh. But, maybe that's that particular soul's way o' tellin' me he wants to keep the date of his death private.
The song I posted is one I wrote way back in 2001, and it was, oh it's complicated. DAvid Byrne had just come out with his new album, Look Into The Eyeball, and so before I listened to it, I made a whole album of my own with all the same song titles. I was trying to predict what his album would sound like. Hah. This song sounds NOTHING like DB's "Like Humans Do." That's okay cuz I like mine better. I guess that sounds cocky. Arrogant, too.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I'll be back to posting in probably a couple more weeks. I've been away from the internet for the most part cuz of poopy moving, and my new place won't have internet for a while (then I'm going on vacation, where my internet will be dial-up -- too slow to post songs!). But it'll be soon-ish!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Go to Hell, Breathe, Fuck You
The song's supposed to be called Go to Hell, Breathe, Fuck You, but some computer malfunction is determining that it be called 21 track 21. Hmm. I wrote this way back in 2001 and this recording is from then, too. I got the chorus of the song from a dream (the chorus was just playing by itself in the dream). The verse I wrote in waking life, but it's what the dream was about.
I'm gonna stop doing this for a while. Bye.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Alcoholic Barbie Doll
Download Alcoholic barbie doll2
I wrote this one back in 1997 around the same time as the one from last week, yesiree (but I recorded this version more recently, yes).
I guess you can hear it for yourself in the lyrics, but, like, you know, it's from the point of view of somebody's superego.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Alcoholic Summer Surprise
Download Alcoholic summer surprise3
I started writing this song way, way, wayyyyy back in 1997, oh dear lord, I'm old. I was jammin' with this quasi-band I was in at Dartmouth, and I came up with the chorus. At the time, the verses were mumbled spoken word stuff. I wrote new verses this weekend, and I'm happy with how they came out. Next week's song is Alcoholic Barbie Doll. I like songs with the word "alcoholic" in them.
Friday, June 26, 2009
A Darker, More Serious WRock Song Than Usual
I was hesitant about posting this one, but I wanted to keep up with the weekly song-posting thingy. It's a Wizard Rock song, but it's darker and more serious than the ones I usually write. If you don't know the HP series, I dunno if this song'll make any sense. Then there's the problem of it being a spoiler, so if you haven't read Book 7 of the Harry Potter series, but are planning to, then DON'T LISTEN TO THIS SONG.
There's also the possibility that I got all the facts wrong cuz my memory of that book is hazy, so maybe this song ain't a spoiler, after all.
There's a wee bit of A Prayer for Owen Meany in this song, too. (I dunno if it's very recognizable, though). J.K. Rowling + John Irving = Jojkn Roiwlrving.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Something Else
Yeah, so this is the 2nd recording of my first break-up song, and it was originally written in 1998. It was kind of fun, cuz in the original recording, I had a lot more fancy instruments (but not as good recording equipment). In this one, the instrumentation's more primitive, cuz I'm using my little Casio keyboard from 1984 and things I found around the house for percussion (a yogurt container with can lids in it, a notebook and a pen, and a drum made for little kids). It's fun to try to make something bigger than the sum of the parts you used to make it; I'm really gettin' into that these days. You know, trying to make something sound relatively sophisticated, but with sorta primitive instrumentation. I guess I'm doing that partly because I got instruments stored in different places all over the state cuz they won't all fit into the place where I live.
When I originally wrote this song, I was heavily influenced by Talking Heads; you can hear it in the lyrics, I think. Actually, I added some new lyrics/vocals to the bridge, which in the original version was only instrumental. gotta run!
The picture is just regular doodles, but it's in the colors I imagine when I hear the song.Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
There We Are - Stupid Just Like You
Here's my song for this week. It's a genre that, hmm. I guess I've sorta been writing in this genre for a while, kind of. Kind of, but not all the way, sort of. It's, like, a genre I've been approximating, but I think it's even moreso for this song. Sort of a, I don't know. I guess you can be the judge of the genre, but it's a genre that I've been wanting to write in for a while. Like, I'll hear songs at the beginnings of movies or in movie previews, and I think, wow, I wanna write in that pseudo-Celtic, punky variety o' female vocal rock shtuff genre.
I think the Twilight series may have influenced this number a wee bit, but the song ain't about vampires, though. It's just a nice song about dysfunctional relationships, with a teeny tiny bit of Lacanian psychoanalytic theory thrown in (but it would be hard to tell about that last part unless you've read up on it some.)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
For Next Week
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Here's the next one. It's got a tiny bit of blasphemy, so I apologize to folks whose religions I might offend. I dunno, it's sort of like the song has 2 themes mixed 2gether, and I told myself not to do that anymore, but I did it anyway, and even though the themes are related, I'm still not sure. I think I like it, but I'm guessing that years from now, I might not cuz I'm too lazy to just stick to one theme. Oh, well.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Diamond Commentary
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I Have Many Diamonds
I liked how this song turned out, but I have some teeny tiny minor criticism, as well, but I don't wanna necessarily express it cuz, like, I don't want people's impressions about this song to be biased and the like.
See, this weekend, I was on a depressing-songs-that-I-think-the-dudes-from-Radiohead-would-like-kick. I have no idear if those guys would like these songs, and I cain't say that they actually sound like Radiohead, but they're nice and depressing and make me want to crawl in a hole. Yay!
Actually, the band that influenced this song was Codeine, and yet, I've only heard 1 of Codeine's songs, so it's only 1 song that influenced this song. I don't even remember what that song sounded like.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Next One
Friday, May 8, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Type A Driven Demon
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Grumpy Sweetheart

This is a grumpy baby. She's grumpy cuz I have no time to post anything cuz I'm way, way, wayyyy overworked till next Monday (and then some).
Oy. But, there're 3 new Timmy and Bobby songs, although I think I might re-record one o' them. they'll be on the way soon-ish (or when I get less insanely busy) I swear, I didn't check email till 6pm today, bleh.
Friday, April 24, 2009
It Builds, Yes It Does
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Smart and Good
I've been tempted to re-record this one at a faster tempo, but, like, haven't yet. So I'll go ahead and put it on here cuz whoops. I just got interrupted by a really shitty, stressful phone call. Where was I?
Right, yeah, it's like, I've gone back and forth a lot on whether I like the tempo or think it's too slow. It's a good tempo for the chorus, but I'm not sure, in terms of the verse. Then again, I do like it cuz it's heavy and ominous and has this horrible, giant machine industrial feel to it.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Next Timmy and Bobby Song
Although there are 2 that precede it, but somehow they didn't end up on this particular thumb-drive. Hmmm. Maybe they're on my other thumb drive. One of the ones that precede it, as I said yesterday, is one I'm not sure if I'll include in the "final product." Still not sure. But I'm thinking about it. I probably will, though. This song was originally gonna be a Wizard Rock song, but the main character, previously was supposed to be J.K. Rowling, ended up bein' one o' Timmy and Bobby's friends, instead. (Hah, or maybe Timmy and Bobby are friends with J.K. Rowling!)
Monday, April 6, 2009
More T and B to Come
Friday, April 3, 2009
Fake Mormon Hymns
The first one is the closest to what I imagined, although the theme is more general God-stuff and less about Mormonism in particular. The second one is more Mormon in particular in theme, but not very politically correct. The 3rd one is just a straight rock song (but again, thematically pretty Mormon-ish). Hah.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
2 Basses
I dunno if you can tell, but in this recording of Knife In The Side, there are actually 2 basses. The one to the left is more lower and the one to the right is higher and more on the fancy side. It's easier to tell, I think, if yer listening thru headphones. I couldn't decide what style o' bass line to do, so I did both. It seems to work okay, so thats' coolio.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Knife in the Side
There we go, I'm doing this instead of working, ha ha ha. Work is so fucked up right now, I don't really see the point of working-poops. This song is based on a true story; the real person it happened to got stabbed in the back, though (don't worry, he lived). But, "knife in the side" sounds nicer than "knife in the back." It just sort of had a nice ring to it.
I wrote this song way back during my Dartmouth days (although I re-worked the bridge a little, last weekend when I recorded it). I had done 2 recordings of it (as well as the original jam session it came from) but was never happy with any of the recordings. In the first, the vocals sucked and some of the lyrics were pretentious. In the second, the bass line was pretentious. I think I like this one, though. I kind of wish I had the original jam session recording, but it may have ended up with my ex-boyfriend. We'd had some nice things to smoke that night.
It'll Come
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Ramblings About This Week's Song and Random Stuff
It's weird to be on somewhat of the leading-edge of this depression and write this song, not knowing how the rest of the depession is going to go. I'm realizing that sentence could have a double meaning, as in economic depression or the psychological variety. Maybe the economic situation'll get nice and turn into roses suddenly, but it's so hard to know. It would be nice if this song was on the radio, cuz it's relevant to our poopy times, but it's not. It would sound really bad if I used pitch correction on the vocals, so I dont' do that. I don't have the technology, anyway, but vocals with pitch correction sound like poopywipes.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Bedouin Society
I had to interrupt the Timmy and Bobby cycle cuz I recorded this song this weekend and wanted to get it up on this here blog, cuz I'm kinda excited about it. Or something. I was talking with someone about the crappy economic situation, when I came up with the prediction that eventually, everybody'll be homeless and there'll be all these foreclosed houses with no one livin' in 'em, and a bunch of people livin' in cardboard boxes on the sidewalks outside of these vacant houses that used to be theirs. It's sorta ironic. All these perfectly good, but unused houses and a buncha homeless people. Maybe it won't end up that way. But that's what this song's about. Cool.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I May Know Who Timmy and Bobby Are!
I'm really enjoying the CD by The Tender Morsels--there's a link on the sidebar thingy for them. It's music that's accessible enuff for me to be able to really like it on the fist listen, but it's complex enuff that it stays interesting for a long, lonnnnnnnng time. There're some songs that are wonderfully heart-breakingly poignant, and others that're all upbeat, and some that are really nice for getting you into that holiday spirit! I highly recommend!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I wrote the first Timmy and Bobby song after a disappointing experience with a Shaman. Sometimes I feel disappointed by people who say "everything will be just fine, there's no reason to be sad, BE HAPPY." I guess they have good intentions, but they're full of shit.
Then there's Timmy and Bobby, who also are like that, all optimistic and thinkin' everything is wonderful and gonna be wonderful, and they have really good intentions. I really like Timmy and Bobby, cuz they're like Ernie and Bert, sort of. They're sweet and innocent. Maybe they'll never be exposed all-the-way to the poopiness of the world, but I'm not sure. I wanna protect them from it, so they can keep on being all optimistic, but at the same time, wow, in one of the later songs, some bad stuff may happen to them (I can't really tell). But even if bad stuff happens, they still retain their sweet innocence. That one'll be next week. Then again, maybe I'm wrong, and I'm interpreting the lyrics wrongly.
Monday, March 9, 2009
The First 2 Songs of the Timmy and Bobby Series
These 2 songs look similar, and indeed, they're about the same characters, but they're different songs. I hope they're not too boring. It's just fun to have a nice li'l project, writin' a set o' similarly themed songs and stuff. The first one is the one I wrote about 3.5 years ago, and the second one is one I wrote a couple weeks ago.
I did an album in 2002, where all the songs are palindromes; y'know, if you play the song backwards, it sounds exactly the same as forwards. I wondered what perceptual effect it would have, havin' songs like that. I mean, like, do people's cognitive systems, at some implicit level, detect that these songs are symmetrical. For many years, I wondered if they did. I listened to them yesterday, while I was on a long drive, and I realized, yes, indeed, they do have a perceptual effect. They get boring really fast! That's the effect! I always thought, why do these songs get boring after only 1 listen? They sound interesting enough, when you hear 'em the first time, and they're musically no less complex than my other songs. But you get tired of them fast. Strange-o.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Timmy and Bobby
Let'see here. This stuff won't be posted till next week, cuz I'm busier than all get-out this week, but yeah, I'll tell ya about it. It was about 3-1/2 years ago, and I can't believe how fast the time went, y'know? This song I wrote back then still feels new-ish to me, so it's like whoah, this song is 3-1/2 years old.
It's about these 2 guys, Timmy and Bobby, and I'm not sure their age. I think they're grown up, but they're still little kids at the same time. They're these super optimistic dudes, and I tend to write about how unrealistic their optimism is. I guess it's nice that they're optimistic, but, like, they tell you things that're all hopeful, and they sound like bullshit cuz you can't predict the future, and besides, the future is usually bad, anyway.
That's what those songs are about. I wrote 3-1/2 of them, oh wow. That's funny, cuz the first song is 3-1/2 years old, man. The other 2.5 songs are a couple weeks old.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Collapsed Commentary
Download Capnpicarddreams I want the thing
I realize the description of how I wrote this song is really confusing. Poop. It's basically, the first line of this song is something I rejected previously, but then I decided to take it and make it into a song. There.
I've had 2 dreams about Cap'n Picard bein' my boyfriend, or at least a boyfriendish character. Wouldn't it be nice to have dreams like that every day? He's got such a sexy bald head.
I gotta apologize to my bass player buddies for not havin' a real bass in this song; when I went up north for my break, I FORGOT to bring my bass with me, so I had to use the thingy on my digital recorder that converts regular guitar to bass. So, that's why it sounds kinda weird.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Captain Picard Is My Boyfriend In My Dreams
Download Capnpicarddreams I want the thing
This was a song I recorded over Christmas break. I was sort of in the middle of my writer's block during it. I may be back in one, but we'll see. This song is about how Cap'n Picard is my boyfriend in dreams. But, you know, it talks about his experience from the point of view of a TV character. TV characters never go to the bathroom. There're other things people on TV never do, too. I don't know if they ever screw in lightbulbs.
See, I'd done this recordin', where, wow, this was way back in 1997, me and my boyfriend at the time were recordin' a bunch of improvised stuff, and at this one point, I was starting to make up stuff and then I'd say, "nah" and stop and make something else up and keep starting and stopping till whatever I was imagining as being what I wanted to write came out. I decided to take one o' those false starts and make a song outta it. That's what this song is. the very beginning o' this song is a false start that I originally rejected.
See, I always wondered what it'd have sounded like if I'd have continued that thingy I did and rejected. Here it is. This may be a very cryptic explanation and tuff to understand. Long winded.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Poopy Poopy World Poops
Here's a picture, but it's not exactly how I'd imagined it, but it's hard to draw things that look like how you imagine 'em. I'm not sure if I like the song that much, it might sound too much like other songs-n-stuff.
Do I wanna make this dumb blog public again? I dunno, man. It's so hard, when you put yourself out there and dunno what yer gonna meet up with. How do you get your creative poopy stuff out to the world, but protect yourself, too? Maybe there's no way to do it. Maybe if you wanna be an artist and get your crap to the world, you gotta throw yourself into the abyss, and the like. It seems to wear people out when they do that, like Mozart and how he died all young and stuff. And Jim Morrison. You gotta have the disposition of a cop to be able to do this stuff and not cause some serious fucking damage to yourself. What a stupid world. No wonder I blow it up with a comet in this song.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Song about a Comet
This is a sort of chipper little bubblegum-pop song about the end o' the world, yes, indeed. I tend to write a lot of those.
Song about a Comet
This is a sort of chipper little bubblegum-pop song about the end o' the world, yes, indeed. I tend to write a lot of those.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Here's a new one for ya
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
There'll Be More...Probably on Friday? Maybe?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
It's comin.....just gotta get some nerves up.
I did a song this week and I like it really well, but I'm sort of cowardly about puttin' in on this here fine songblog. It's cuz I like it so much that it's really afraid to parade it in front of the world. That was a Freudian slep. I meant to say "I'm really afraid to parade it..." but I said "it" instead of "I." That begs the question, though, man. Is the song more afraid of public exposure or am I? Can a song be afraid? I think so, maybe. This one, I think could be cuz it's a nice little song and nice songs tend to have lots of emotions in 'em (including fear).
Friday, January 16, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Illiterate, But I Like the Song.
Oh dear lord, Blogger gave me an error message. Let me try this again.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Oh My
The other one, oh my. Goodness me. Well, okay. I put the word, "sovereignity" in it, only realizing later that "sovereignity" ain't a word. No, the word is "sovereignty." But "sovereignty" doesn't have enough syllables, and I hadn't really thought about it. I'd just sort of recorded the song, not realizing that "sovereignity" ain't a word. I realized it wasn't a word when I spelled out the title of the song (which has the word "sovereignity" in it) and thought, "wow, that doesn't look right." Fuckity fuck.
Now I'm not sure what to do, whether to post it here or not, because I like the song just fine. Indeed, it's a half-way decent song for being in the middle of a writer's block, but, like, I'm really embarassed about having a not-real-word in it. I could just make excuses and say that I MEANT it to be that way, cuz it sounds sort of like "serenity." Sort of like "sovereign serenity." Indeed, as I'm learning about Lacan and his wild theories, I'd guess that he'd say that there WAS some meaning to the use of the word "sovereignity," because mispronunciations and slips of the tongue are an indication that some o' your unconscious contents are slippin' through. So, I could just say, ah, yes, well, then. In my professorly wisdom, I say that "sovereignity" DOES have a meaning. (I almost typed DIES instead of DOES) (another Freudian slip there).
I will think on it some. I don't know if I'll post it or not. Part of me wants to re-record it cuz I'm so embarassed, but another part sez it'll sound stupid because it's the wrong number (I originally typed "dumber") of syllables. (Dumber, yes, that's a very good Freudian slip there).
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Here's another illustration for Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, yes. I don't know how to draw antlers, no.
I wrote 2 other songs and recorded 'em over the break, but, alas, I fear they're not as high-quality as my higher-quality-ish stuff, bleh. It sucks balls to have a dead artform, to have an artform inside you die, die, die. It's fine if it goes into hybernation for a while, that's all well and good, but how long'll it last? Will it ever go away, this poopy rut that I'm stuck in? It's been since about October and it sucks balls, man. It just plain old sucks balls, poopy-poopy-ones, man. I know what you're thinking...but it's always gone away in the past! Yes, indeed, I say. But what if this is the final writers block and there'll be no more good music till I'm all dead and stuff (then I'll be all dead and stuff, and it's hard to write music then). I think o' people like David Byrne, you know. The dude used to be brilliant-and-a-half, and now his music's fairly dead. Every once in a while he squeezes out something that's got maybe a teeny tiny bit of life in it, but for the most part, he's an old fart resting on his laurels. At least if I become an old fart, I won't rest on my laurels, cuz I gots too much shame for that, ha ha ha. I'll just chalk it up to the poopy-ness of a universe that gives you nice things and then sez "you can't have that anymore." Well, fuck you, universe!