This is kind of cool how it turned out, cuz I was originally intending on makin' these stick-figure animals look like those old, old cave drawings that archaeologists sometimes find. But, the cool thing is, they look sort of like constellations. Neato.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Picture for Song of the Week
This is kind of cool how it turned out, cuz I was originally intending on makin' these stick-figure animals look like those old, old cave drawings that archaeologists sometimes find. But, the cool thing is, they look sort of like constellations. Neato.
Here's an animal for you.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
When I was a kid, I wanted 2 B an animal cuz I thought humans were ugly and boring. Not much has changed since then, except for the fact that my animal of choic has evolved from an alligator to a sweet little poonums kitty.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Moony, Wormtail, Padfood, and Prongs
The next song is called: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs , and similar to the previous one, it's fresh off the cooker (It's only Saturday-old).
It's a wizard wrock song that my band's gonna play. If ya don't know Harry Potter, this song's about this dude named Professor Lupin, and he's a werewolf. This song's supposed 2 B during his teenage years, when his friends learned how to turn into animals, so they could all run around on those full-moon nights. The dude would have this intense physical pain when he turned into a werewolf, that, I guess, motivated him to bite people, but havin' his friends as animals to hang out with made it nicer and less painful and stuff. That's sorta what the song's about.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
As half-heartedly promised, here's the Casio autorhythm that I put thru effects for Obvious Distinctions . It's kinda cool, man, when you think about it, those old things from the 1980's. Yeah, man, yeah.
Casio Keyboard From The 1980's (Man, I'm Old)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Obvious Distinctions
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
An Act of Convenience
Download obvious_distinctions.mp3
Oh, mannnn, I'm breaking my own rule o' not releasing or playin' stuff that's too new for other people 2 hear. And this one is brand new. But, when I looked at my little disky-drivey thing this morning, this was the only one of the 3 songs I'd mentioned that was actually on it, man. So, yeah, here it is. I was really really really really really depressed last week, so I wrote a song, and that's how it came out. I kinda like the combination of the pretty/mellow nature o' the song and the darkness of the lyrics. It's dark and light at the same time, which is something that I drive for sometimes.
Monday, March 17, 2008
The next song of the week, oh my. I'm SO indecisive right now. I could do a song called "Drunk on Sobriety," "Go to Hell, Breathe, Fuck You," or "Obvious Distinctions," which is brand new. Hmmmmm. I usually have a rule that I don't release brand new stuff until I've digested it a bit, but I really like this brand new song. I like the other 2, too. Drunk on Sobriety is kinda cool cuz it fits in with the whole drug-use theme from last week. But, then again, I'm pretty confident wait,. Gotggoa go
Thursday, March 13, 2008
More Shtuff about the Stoners of Dartmouth
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The Stoners of Dartmouth
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Stoners of Dartmouth
Download stoners_of_dartmouth.mp3
Here's the new song of the week, but I don't know if it'll work, cuz I encountered a dumb technical difficulty at the site where I'm storing this stuff, and this dumb computer doesn't have a dumb media player installed. Dumb.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Coming Soon: The Stoners of Dartmouth
It makes me laugh cuz it looks like a barn with a big phallus on it.
Friday, March 7, 2008
I'm all about the Jungian psychology cuz it sez that you cain't have light without dark and vice versa. I practically stole that line up there from good old Ursela LeGuinn and her fabulous book, "The Left Hand of Darkness." I'm cool with it, though. If ya try to be all light and not embrace your dark side, you go cold and dead, and creativity just plain dies, too. And when you think about it, creativity is a very God-like quality, so God dies in you when you kill the devil in you, man. I wanna figure out what it's like to live on that razor's edge that happens between things, betwee light and dark, good and evil, existence and nonexistence. I sorta feel like that razor's edge is where everything happens, man, and yet, it's so infintesimally small, that it feels like it isn't even there. But, it's a powerful place to be, man. It's got the power of lots and lots o' nuclear bombs, and the like (but I see the explosion as gold light, for some reason). I'm sorta makin' all this up as I go.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
What Next? Argh.
The Devil Is Dead
feel like breakthrough songs, and I'm sort of worried about what I'll post next. I mean, consider this; I've been waiting to write a song like The Devil is Dead since I was 16,a song with that particular type o' magic I've been lookin' for. I always wondered what would happen when I reached my goal o' writin' a song like that, cuz it's one of those life-long unachievable feelin' goals, and now I've done it. It feels like I should drop dead, or my head'll explode, cuz it's something that seems 2 good 2 B true. But, you know what? It's not like everything in my life has turned wonderful or anything. Ah well. But in a sense it sort of has cuz there was an explosion of gold light when that song happened, and the gold light keeps on going, and that's a nice thing.
Man, but what to post next? I know what it's gonna be, but, man.
I mean, I intentionally frontloaded some real good songs on this so people'd come back and keep on listening. But, man. I hope people don't get bored or something.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
More notes on Sin City
When I did that song, I started out playin' largely dulled guitar strings that go back and forth between your ears, if you're wearin' earphones, because i wanted to put myself into a trance with it. I didn't really get into a trance, though, and I decided to add more stuff (a lower guitar note and voices). That was kinda cool. But I didn't get into a trance, though.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Sin City
I thought I'd keep up with the whole God/Devil/Jesus theme for 1 more week. In this song, I'm tryin' to sound all evangelical, alongside some weird, experimental stereo effects.
If you haven't heard it, though, listen toThe Devil Is Dead
cuz I really like that one.