I'm not sure what to call this song cuz it could be called What Use or What Good or A Bigger Infinity. I was trying to go for the '80's keyboard sound, I guess. It's not a type of '80's keyboard you woulda heard on the radio in the '80's, though, cuz the keyboard I used is the kind that parents bought little kids of Christmas back in the '80's. Little kids who took piano lessons and thought they could sound real rockin' with a nice Casio keyboard, bought at Gemco (which was bought by Target).
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Rockin' Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
100th Post
This one:
Star trek song is from a time period in my life, long, long ago, when I had a boyfriend who really had a thing for thumb-pianos. And he liked to use a pie plate as percussion. We did a bunch of recordings where we recorded ourselves improvising stuff for long periods o' time, yes indeedy. If you guys are fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation, this song's about an episode, is it called "The Chase?" It's one where Picard's old mentor, this old-fart archaeology professor comes to the enterprise, and there's all this stuff that happens, and you find out why all the aliens on Star Trek look like humans. Yeah. Nice to be posting songs again, even if I'm not writin' 'em. Please excuse the improvisational nature o' this one, ha ha ha.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Strange, too, cuz I'm completely dead, music-composition-wise. Sometimes those periods of deadness precede periods of amazing creativity, but other times, they last a year. I hope this one goes away soon-ish, cuz I'd like to do more songs, and the like-poops. Blather, blather, blather.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Here're my winner Icons

It's funny how a little-bit-of-a-letdown it can be when you win Nanowrimo. Maybe that's how most goal-like things are when you get to them. It's cool. I ain't finished writin' the book yet, thoughgh, so I've reached the 50,000 word mark, which is cool, but I still am in the middle o' the story. For all of you who have no idea what i'm talking about, just go to www.nanowrimo.org, cuz then you'll know what the hell I'm talking about.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
This is gettin' ridiculous
I need 2 stick something in here, so here's something I recorded a couple weeks ago. It's 2 songs stuck together (I keep typing "snogs") for no particular reason, other than that they sounded nice having one lead into the other. The 2nd one's about a character from my most recent novel. The novel has a happy ending, so don't worry about poor old Tom. He'll be just fine.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Old, Dead, Dried-Up, Moldy, Moldy, Moldy.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Illustration for The Sunshine Lane
Download the_sunshine_lane.mp3
Here's an illustration for this song. I didn't have much time to draw it. I dunno if you can tell - it's supposed to be a guy driving, who's being blinded by the sun.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Sunshine Lane (The 5-Lane)
Download the_sunshine_lane.mp3
This song was inspired by driving in LA traffic. I'm not entirely happy with the mix, but I'm still figuring out how I'd change it.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums Poonums
Coming Soon: "The Sunshine Lane (The 5-Lane)"
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Long Winded Story O' This Song
Download this_book_was_wwome.mp3
It's kind of funny, the story o' this song. I wrote the 1st-3-verses part, I think, in the spring at some point. But, that day, my voice was all suckworthy, so it was such a crappy poopy recording that I sort of tabled the song. Then, about a month and a half ago, I was writin' another song, and I thought, wow, this sounds familiar; which other-song-I've-already-written am I pirating? Then I remembered, oh, yeah, it was "This Book Was Written Without Me." It's funny, cuz I thought, wow, that's a decent song there, and I'd completely forgotten about it cuz I'd smoked cigarettes the day I wrote it, and made my voice sound all crappy and did a crappy recording and put it aside. So, this weekend, I resurrected it. That makes me sorta happy, man.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
This Book Was Written Without Me
Download this_book_was_wwome.mp3
Hope this works; the html came out kind of funky.
Friday, September 12, 2008
More Second Suckingness
Here's an illustration for second sucking.
I've been thinking a wee bit 'bout witches who lose their power. I think that might be one o' the topics in my next novel, cuz sometimes it feels like that's what I am.
Crap, gotta start working!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I started drawling an illustration for Second Sucking last night, but I was too tired to really get into it, man. I think this song is about someone who has a lotta magic in her soul, but is really sad at the same time. Shoot, man. I'd thought of something to something cool and interesting to say about this song, but I forgot what it was. It's funny, cuz near the end of both this song, and She Was Fine, there's a telepone ringing. You can hear it in She Was Fine (it freaks my kitties out), but you have to listen closer on headphones to hear it in Second Sucking.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Second Sucking
I was very impulsive, so between 2 phone calls, I wrote this song and recorded it. But not the drum part. But then I did the drum part after another couple phone calls. It's decent enough. I'd recorded another song on Saturday, but sometimes the ones that just pop out, the ones you just pull outta the air, are nice. But I want the bass to be louder, but I'm not sure which speakers I can trust.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
She was fine.
I didn't realize I'd made this song into an mp3 file. I didn't get a chance to record anything this weekend. This song's a few months old, recorded before the move. It's a song about a girl who has depression, but doesn't think she does. Warning: it's a depressing song. I get depressed when I hear it, but sometimes that's good.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Radioactive Space-Gum
Download radioactive_space_gum.mp3
Okay, I went for it, man. I feel like my recent recordings sound like ass, but then again, I wanna keep on updating this blog. I think this song has potential, so I may continue to work on it, doin' some revisions and the like. So, here's what I'll call the rough version, yesiree.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Comin' Soon, I Think
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Picture for Cap'n Picard Song
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Captain Picard
I'm not sure what this song's called. I recorded it about 2 months or so ago, before I moved. It's about Captain Picard bein' too busy to have a girlfriend; I call it "Captain Picard," but since I've written lots of songs about him, I feel like I should be more specific in the title. Maybe something more like "Captain Picard's Got Too Much Responsibility" or something along those lines. I'd've put it out there earlier, but I felt like the vocals sucked, and I wanted to re-record them again. But now that I'm in the land of smog, my voice sounds like poopies all the time, and it might be a while before I could re-record them and have it sound good. But a good friend o' mine heard the song and didn't say the vocals sucked, so that gave me more responsibility. Oh, damn, I'm too tired. More confidence, not responsibility.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Aliens and Stuff
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Stuff About Song From Dream
Download spaceship.mp3 When I dreamed about this song, I was walkin' thru a parking lot with one o' my ex-boyfriends, and HE actually had written the song. He was playing it for me, I think, with a radio or something. Or maybe the song was just playing by itself, like a soundtrack. It was a nice, sweet, sappy little love song. Which maybe goes with the melody better than the apocalyptic lyrics I added to it in my waking life. I don't care.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Shit, I have NO TIME!!!!
I had a spare 2 seconds - here ya go! The LA smog is makin' my vocals suck, but I like the song. The melody/chordprogression is from a dream. Wrote the lyrics afterward!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Update Poopy Poopy-Ones
Anywayyyyys, I wrote a new song this week, but, sadly, it's a plagiarism of a song I've already written. I'm-a-gonna record it and post it anyway, cuz what the hell. No one'll be able to tell anyway, cuz I'm the only one who's heard the other song I plagiarized. Hah.
So, yeah, man, stay tuned until I either 1. find that I CAN, indeed, mooch offa the work-computers for internet stuff or 2. break down and get internet service at my place, once ATT&T fixes the dumb telephone wires that've been chewed through by either a squirrel or a rat.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Song That Broke My Year-Long Writer's-Block
My life won't be normal for a while, so here's this one to last you till it gets normal again (if everrrrr, ever, ever). Poops.
But, yeah, that year-long writer's-block, well, it scared me for a year, cuz I wondered if I'd ever come up with anything particularly inspired again. I mean, I kept on writing, steadily, but it wasn't necessarily stuff I'd wanna play for anybody, or anything I'd wanna be remembered by. But, then, one summer's night, after watching "Patton" (I have no idear why it was after watching that), I came up with this song. This is my band's version of it, yeah.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Writers Blockedness Poopy-Ones

Friday, July 18, 2008
More To Come
Monday, July 14, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
How it Got There Stuff
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
This Song's From 2001
This here song's from 2001, man. Around March, I think, of 2001. It's sort of vague as to what it's about, but that's an okay thing, cuz I think, back then, the Me of 2001 wanted to make it so it was up to the listener's interpretation. Oddly enuff, the 1st couple lines of the song were a psychic prediction of something that happened to me in 2007.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
What this song might be about and posterity and stuff
I guess if you were to ask what this week's song is about, Jung would say it's about the Shadow, and Freud would say it's about the Id. There.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
New Song
Actually, this ain't the one I mentioned on Friday, but I might put that one on at some point. I think there're probably lotsa people who could identify with this one, man. Download monster_in_my_head.mp3
Friday, June 27, 2008
Sad, Sad Time
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Waylon, Did June Call?
Download waylon_did_june_call.mp3
I was watching "Walk The Line" on Friday, and you know that scene where Johnny Cash wakes up, and he's wasted outta his gourd, and Waylon Jennings is just sittin' there a-playin' his guitar? And Johnny sez "Waylon, Did June Call?" That's where I got the inspiration for this song. It's supposed 2 B a nice little homage to Johnny Cash, but it sounds more like the Dead Milkmen.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Coming Soon: Waylon, Did June Call?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Would Have Been The Best
Oh, fuck, it looks like these damn song links I stuck on there today aren't working. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I dunno what the technical difficulty is, but I'll try to fix it. Fuck!!!!!!!!
Download wouldve_been_the_best2.mp3
Okay, here's the pop-song-about-love that I did this weekend. I'm really embarassed that I wrote such a song, but I have to confess that I like it, man. I think sometimes it's cool to write stuff like this if yer workin' thru yer issues. For those of you who know me reallllllll well, I think you'll know who it's about, hah.
Non Pop Song About Love-Poops
Okay, this is the non-pop-song-about-luv. It's from 2 weeks ago, and I think I'm gonna work on it some more. But, I thought I'd stick it on there (I'll probably stick the luv one on there, too), but I feel so sheepish about sticking a pop song about luv on this here fine blog, that I feel like I should make up for it by putting something on there that's more, um, well, me-ish.
Monday, June 2, 2008
I'm torn, yet again, between posting either a pretty song I recorded about a week ago, or a...you won't believe it, no you won't believe it....pop song about luv. Fuck! I can't believe I recorded a pop song about luv! I did it on Saturday, man. It's actually sorta inspired by Husker Du, and maybe a wee bit o' Mercy Rule, but, like, I cain't escape it. It's an inescapable fact. I recorded a pop song about luv. No no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Maybe I'll post that one just so you guys know I'm tellin' thet truth).
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Illustration for I'm Almost Hating Her
There it is: Download im_almost_hating_her.mp3
Monday, May 19, 2008
2 Fer 1
Here's the song I wrote this weekend. It's really, really short.
Download im_almost_hating_her.mp3
So I'm supplementing this blog entry with a souped-up version of the song I posted on Friday.It's one of those thing where, with I'm Almost Hating Her, I know what the song's about, and yet I sort of don't, at the same time. I guess I do know what it's about, but I'm not sure how much I've experienced it, myself, so I'm not sure if that's what it's about or not.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hah, hah, hah, Just under the wire
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Me and my bandmate played a show in our incarnation as DeadPan Alley a few weeks ago, and that was nice, man. But it's funny, cuz the song that everybody in the audience liked, we didn't really expect. I mean, we thought people'd like it fine, but we didn't expect such a huge response to it. It's cuz it was a funny song, you know, about how freakish your ex boyfriends can soemtimes be and that's nice enuff, I guess. I mean, people identify with songs about freakish ex-boyfriends.
The funny thing is that one song, The Devil is Dead, I don't think that'll ever get much of a response from audiences, even though as soon as I wrote that song, I felt like it'd be okay if I dropped dead tomorrow, cuz I've written the song I've been meanin' to write for ten million years, man. It's a 5-sided song, and that's a nice thing, too, cuz if you put 12 of them together, you get a dodecohedron, and that's a good thing. That's a very good thing. It made me think, and now I'm gonna sound unintentionally narcissistic here, it made me think o' Mozart and how, at least in the movie, Amadeus, he was very unpopular in his time, cuz his music was ahead o' his time. and the same with Van Gogh, how he was all unpopular, too, and never sold any paintings, and the like, and I wonder if a similar thing is true of that old dragon song. Then I think to myself, I don't think there'll ever be a time when this song becomes all popular and stuff, unlike old Mozart and Van Gogh, because, well, it's a song about a dragon, after all. I mean, dragons are fairly timeless. This song don't belong to any particular time, although it might belong to a particular time if it was in another dimension. But not of this world, not of this world, this song is not of this world, and neither am I.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Indecisive Girl Rides Again
Thursday, May 8, 2008
East Coast Boy. (Click here to listen). I started writin' that there fine song, um, about, what was it? 1998? Oh, holy FUCK, that's 10 years ago!!!! Man, I'm old. It was originally titled "Seals" and I was never too happy with it, cuz even though it had this totally kick-ass verse, the chorus didn't go with it. They didn't match up. That was back in the days when I wasn't as disciplined about my songwriting as I am now. I usedta just be all loose and loopy, and if the different song-parts didn't match up, that was okay. Now, I try to get myself to stick to a theme throughout the song.
Me and my bandmate worked for a while at coming up with a chorus, and we found that an instrumental chorus worked best. So, there it is. Yay!
Oh, yeah, I also made it so 'nonymous commenters can comment. I'm not sure if I'll leave it that way, cuz my brother's blog allows it and some anonymous dude comes along and poops all over the comment page sometimes. We'll see, man.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
East Coast Boy
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
'Nother Picture
Once I saw someone pick up a thingy that had a black widow on it, and she didn't know it was on it. I told her, and she was all, oh, look at that. That was the effect I was going for in this picture. I don't think it worked, though, but I still like the song.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I Am Just A Fox Commentary
Monday, April 28, 2008
Brand Newwwwwwww Song
The song of the week for this week is called I Am Just A Fox . It's got a bluesy vocal line, and I usually veer away from stuff that sounds like that. But I didn't this time. I just wrote this song this weekend, man. Man.
(The picture is a total rip-off of The Little Prince, man).
Friday, April 25, 2008
Long Ass Rant About Brainstrokes
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Commentary - Poops
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
What She Was Made Of
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Gonna Kill My Boyfriend
Here's the next one. Urgh, I have no NRG.
Okay, that's weird, I wrote in the title, but just as I'd typed the first letter ("G"), the autofill thingy said "Grandpa's Ghost Stories." WHAT????? I've never typed that into this computer in my life! My grandpas didn't even have ghost stories! Strange-o. I'm the only one who uses this computer, for the most part. Okay, enuff rambling.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Gonna Kill My Boyfriend Tonight
Monday, April 14, 2008
Too Poopy 'Fraid To Post a Song Just Yet
I was thinking all day long yesterday about how music has magic in it, and that maybe by making music (or any other kind of art), you're actually making magic, like a wizard or witch or something. Then, last night, I started readin' a story by Ursela LeGuinn that said the exact same thing, that music and magic were the same thing. I was all, dude.
Friday, April 11, 2008
More Heaven Looks As Black As Oblivion Stuff
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Unneccessary Commentary
I'm trying to think of what commentary I can add to the song of the week for this week (Heaven Looks as Black as Oblivion). I wrote it about a year ago, man, when I was doin' a lot o' thinking about death. I usedta think that if there wasn't an afterlife, that would be the worst thing in the world. But sometimes you realize that the pain of life is worse than oblivion, and if there's a Hell, then that's worse, too, so maybe turning into nothing isn't all that bad. But, I dunno. I dunno if it's even necessary to put commentary ontop of this here song, cuz it's sort of self-...I can't think of the world. Self-something. It's something that speaks for itself. It's self-something or other.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Heaven Looks as Black as Oblivion
Heaven Looks as Black as Oblivion
I sort of feel like this recording, the 3rd one I've done of this song, still ain't the definitive recording, but this is one o' those songs where I wonder if there'll ever be a definitive recording. I was too lazy not to do my Casio autorhythm, hah. Oh, well.
Here are the previous songs of the week, for anyone who's new to this li'l site.
Download the_devil_is_dead.mp3
Download stoners_of_dartmouth.mp3
Download obvious_distinctions.mp3
Download moony_wormtail_padfoot_pron.mp3
Monday, April 7, 2008
The Next Song of the Week is Called....
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Dead Not Dead
Musical dead-zones are interesting, cuz I still write stuff, cuz my brain's intact, but, like, well, you know, the music that comes out is sort of dead. Maybe the creative part o' me needs 2 hybernate for a while. There are songs I'd never play for anybody cuz they're too, I dunno. I dunno. Closed in on themselves, I guess. Or maybe they're just sorta dead, like I said before. And funny how the dead self-pitying darkness sometimes precedes the powerful darkness that comes when my music comes to life again; and I wonder sometimes if I need to do the dead, self-pitying darkness stuff to get to the good stuff. I don't know 4 sure.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Picture for Song of the Week
This is kind of cool how it turned out, cuz I was originally intending on makin' these stick-figure animals look like those old, old cave drawings that archaeologists sometimes find. But, the cool thing is, they look sort of like constellations. Neato.
Here's an animal for you.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
When I was a kid, I wanted 2 B an animal cuz I thought humans were ugly and boring. Not much has changed since then, except for the fact that my animal of choic has evolved from an alligator to a sweet little poonums kitty.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Moony, Wormtail, Padfood, and Prongs
The next song is called: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs , and similar to the previous one, it's fresh off the cooker (It's only Saturday-old).
It's a wizard wrock song that my band's gonna play. If ya don't know Harry Potter, this song's about this dude named Professor Lupin, and he's a werewolf. This song's supposed 2 B during his teenage years, when his friends learned how to turn into animals, so they could all run around on those full-moon nights. The dude would have this intense physical pain when he turned into a werewolf, that, I guess, motivated him to bite people, but havin' his friends as animals to hang out with made it nicer and less painful and stuff. That's sorta what the song's about.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
As half-heartedly promised, here's the Casio autorhythm that I put thru effects for Obvious Distinctions . It's kinda cool, man, when you think about it, those old things from the 1980's. Yeah, man, yeah.
Casio Keyboard From The 1980's (Man, I'm Old)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Obvious Distinctions
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
An Act of Convenience
Download obvious_distinctions.mp3
Oh, mannnn, I'm breaking my own rule o' not releasing or playin' stuff that's too new for other people 2 hear. And this one is brand new. But, when I looked at my little disky-drivey thing this morning, this was the only one of the 3 songs I'd mentioned that was actually on it, man. So, yeah, here it is. I was really really really really really depressed last week, so I wrote a song, and that's how it came out. I kinda like the combination of the pretty/mellow nature o' the song and the darkness of the lyrics. It's dark and light at the same time, which is something that I drive for sometimes.
Monday, March 17, 2008
The next song of the week, oh my. I'm SO indecisive right now. I could do a song called "Drunk on Sobriety," "Go to Hell, Breathe, Fuck You," or "Obvious Distinctions," which is brand new. Hmmmmm. I usually have a rule that I don't release brand new stuff until I've digested it a bit, but I really like this brand new song. I like the other 2, too. Drunk on Sobriety is kinda cool cuz it fits in with the whole drug-use theme from last week. But, then again, I'm pretty confident wait,. Gotggoa go
Thursday, March 13, 2008
More Shtuff about the Stoners of Dartmouth
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The Stoners of Dartmouth
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Stoners of Dartmouth
Download stoners_of_dartmouth.mp3
Here's the new song of the week, but I don't know if it'll work, cuz I encountered a dumb technical difficulty at the site where I'm storing this stuff, and this dumb computer doesn't have a dumb media player installed. Dumb.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Coming Soon: The Stoners of Dartmouth
It makes me laugh cuz it looks like a barn with a big phallus on it.
Friday, March 7, 2008
I'm all about the Jungian psychology cuz it sez that you cain't have light without dark and vice versa. I practically stole that line up there from good old Ursela LeGuinn and her fabulous book, "The Left Hand of Darkness." I'm cool with it, though. If ya try to be all light and not embrace your dark side, you go cold and dead, and creativity just plain dies, too. And when you think about it, creativity is a very God-like quality, so God dies in you when you kill the devil in you, man. I wanna figure out what it's like to live on that razor's edge that happens between things, betwee light and dark, good and evil, existence and nonexistence. I sorta feel like that razor's edge is where everything happens, man, and yet, it's so infintesimally small, that it feels like it isn't even there. But, it's a powerful place to be, man. It's got the power of lots and lots o' nuclear bombs, and the like (but I see the explosion as gold light, for some reason). I'm sorta makin' all this up as I go.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
What Next? Argh.
The Devil Is Dead
feel like breakthrough songs, and I'm sort of worried about what I'll post next. I mean, consider this; I've been waiting to write a song like The Devil is Dead since I was 16,a song with that particular type o' magic I've been lookin' for. I always wondered what would happen when I reached my goal o' writin' a song like that, cuz it's one of those life-long unachievable feelin' goals, and now I've done it. It feels like I should drop dead, or my head'll explode, cuz it's something that seems 2 good 2 B true. But, you know what? It's not like everything in my life has turned wonderful or anything. Ah well. But in a sense it sort of has cuz there was an explosion of gold light when that song happened, and the gold light keeps on going, and that's a nice thing.
Man, but what to post next? I know what it's gonna be, but, man.
I mean, I intentionally frontloaded some real good songs on this so people'd come back and keep on listening. But, man. I hope people don't get bored or something.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
More notes on Sin City
When I did that song, I started out playin' largely dulled guitar strings that go back and forth between your ears, if you're wearin' earphones, because i wanted to put myself into a trance with it. I didn't really get into a trance, though, and I decided to add more stuff (a lower guitar note and voices). That was kinda cool. But I didn't get into a trance, though.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Sin City
I thought I'd keep up with the whole God/Devil/Jesus theme for 1 more week. In this song, I'm tryin' to sound all evangelical, alongside some weird, experimental stereo effects.
If you haven't heard it, though, listen toThe Devil Is Dead
cuz I really like that one.
Friday, February 29, 2008
I drew it with a really crappy mouse, and it's really sloppy, but sometimes it's fun to illustrate what songs look like.
Readin' Ursula LeGuinn's books made a bunch of stuff sink into my subconscious about how you need to accept both the "good" and "evil" parts o' yourself. It's fun to write a song about a bad-guy who's sort of a good guy, in a way. I identify with the dragon character in the song, cuz, like, it also speaks to the pervasive alienation anyone who's different experiences in this society.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Devil Is Dead - Lyrics
The lyrics:
I am a dragon and I feel misunderstood
Born onto a planet where their heads are made of wood
........The devil is dead
They think they're running from the thing they think is me
Scared of their own shadows and they drink their poison tea
........The devil is dead
Dying on a planet where their heads are made of wood
I have been deposed and I will always be misunderstood
........The devil is dead
................I am the bad guy; maybe I should die
They killed the dragon and they think that they have won
It will destroy them and they'll have nowhere to run
........The devil is dead
I do not care because one day I'll be reborn
The dragon never dies, I'll take a different form
My band'll be performing this song soon; I'll provide a link to our myspace page, as soon as I get permission from the rest of my band.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Devil Is Dead
Here's my second song of the week! It's kind of funny, how I randomly posted, first, a song about Jesus, and then a song (sort of) about The Devil. Odd, how that works out. Lyrics to follow....
Whoah, Yeah, Okay, Cool.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I have 2 More, but What the Hell
I wanna post a song a week, and I was afraid they'd be disregarded, and chances are they will be. I don't know what else to do, though, and maybe in this world that is full of bullshit, it would be nice to put something out there that's not bullshit.